“Should any find these accounts… I offer no excuses for the events contained within…”

Enter the mind of a man who has learned to forgive all but himself.


Bjolf Dahl has spent much of his life as an intensely private individual, and, even to his closest friends, his past remains a mystery. But, when his adventuring days met their tentative end, he was unable to stop himself traversing the paths of once-forgotten memories.

Bjolf Dahl is an original character created by Laney for New Platinum Content’s fifth-edition Dungeons and Dragons campaign, Dikuth’s Band of Merry Men. These journals are a dramatization of his backstory and contain original content written by Laney for the purpose of entertainment. Portions of the materials used (locations/deities/creatures) are property of ©Wizards of the Coast, LLC.


Newest Entry : Bonded

In part seven, Bjolf awakens in the wilderness to find himself remade.

Coming Soon

A gallery featuring original artwork by Laney that depicts scenes of Bjolf’s upbringing and experiences.